Let me tell you the story of Floatyland............
Once there was a place called Floatyland. It was a pretty place, with lot's of people. In floatyland there were little babies and grandmas and grandpas--and everyone in between.
But there was one thing unusual about the people in Floatyland. Everyone, grandmas and grandpas and babies and all........
wore a little orange floaty around their waist, always, all the time.
Everywhere they went....
At school.....
.......to the store..........
........to the post office.......
---everywhere anyone went, they always wore a floaty, a little orange floaty, a bright orange floaty, round their waist, all the time.
Now, what was especially interesting about this, was that there were no beaches in Floatyland!
There were no ponds or lakes or good swimming holes, just enough water to drink, no more, no less.