JEWISH EVANGELISM.......These E-tracts sent by e-mail and not for print, are wonderful for witnessing the Gospel to Jewish people...."Eternity, Your Final Destination"........."How To Recognize The Messiah"......."Isaiah 53"...Isaiah 53 (German)...(English) "Messiah In The Hebrew Bible"....."Messiah In The Hebrew Bible" (German)..."The Scapegoat"...."The Scapegoat" (German)..."World On Fire"......"Split Arrow"....."Salvation Song"....."Portrait of Messiah"......"Moshiach"......."Blue Star of David"........"The Scapegoat" (Russian)......E-Messiah in the Hebrew Bible (Hebrew)....Moses and the Coming of Messiah...Moses and the Coming of Messiah (German).....(Russian) "Messiah In The Hebrew Bible"
***NEW****...Print versions of these tracts for Jewish Evangelism....(click to download and print).....How To Recognize The Messiah.....Isaiah 53....Isaiah 53 (German)....Messiah in the Hebrew Bible.......Eternity Your Final Destiny.......Postcard size tracts....Isaiah 53.....Isaiah 53 (Hebrew)...Isaiah 53 (German)...Isaiah 53 (Spanish)....Isaiah 53 (Russian)...Portrait of Messiah...Portrait of Messiah (Russian)......The Scapegoat.....The Scapegoat (German)..The Scapegoat (Spanish)....Moses and the Coming of Messiah....Moses and the Coming of Messiah (German)...Moses and the Coming of Messiah (Spanish)..Moses and the Coming of Messiah..
.......... WORDLESS
Birthday E-Card Gospel Tracts......A birthday card presentation of the Gospel, providing a unique and useful witnessing tool. They can be sent by e-mail or on your phone. Each one contains the Gospel message, with bright eye-catching pictures.......click here to see all 33 of these tracts......click here to see these unique birthday greetings specifically designed for Jewish evangelism...
Are you trying to make your own tract? Write us, we are glad to
help--for free--no charge--no donation needed!--write us: tracts1@aol.com
***Genesis: A Simple Explanation......This free video and e-book takes the book of Genesis away from all those who put down Christians because they believe science has disproven the Bible.......view and download here.......finally another way to understand Genesis, that makes perfect common sense!
FEATURED E-TRACT...."Wise or Foolish?"......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5CJvo40OHg
.....Bible studies meant to challenge Christians
to witness the Gospel
Call The Words A Sage.......This free book uses the first verses
of the Gospel of John to create a "pray poem". A wonderfully
uplifting book that is easy to read yet dives into the deep
meanings of the Word of God........................click here to download
The Lonely Lepers.....Covid has made us all aware
of what it is like to isolate. The Bible tells us how Jesus
healed people who had to isolate, the lepers, and God can heal
us today!................click here to download......
Heavenly Visits, books that will
change your life!.......click here for a free download of
the book......click here for a free download of book
Is there no law against child abuse in the Bible?......This tract explains very simply how God feels about child abuse of any kind. He does not like it!........click here to download....
What if....Instead
This free
booklet and E-tract is a challenge to the church. The Bible gives
us the example of Christians working together in the Gospel. Do
you actively spread the Gospel in your church? Well what if---we
lived out the Gospel--instead of just teaching it to ourselves?
What if we visited the sick and homeless and fed the poor--instead
of building a building which we use only for our own purpose? What
if ministry was a gift given to every one of us---a function--an
anointing--that we all worked in unity together? What if we simply
loved God, loved one another, AND loved our neighbor--in
equity--as true brothers and sisters in Christ?
Watch on Youtube..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTEYYJRVPjM
What if Instead of....click
here to read and download......You can view and share
this E-tract at this address:
Finding the Needs Is Finding God's Will And Your Ministry...........God is meant to direct all the giving within the Church. We are meant to be flexible, ready to give to the poor and the Gospel, and not trapped in a pre-ordained plan of giving.
b.a.s.i.C....................This free booklet is a very easy to understand explanation of what the Church could look like if we followed the rules of operation found in the new testament. Want to know how to do home church? It's a simple thing, an easy thing, to BE the Church. Meet together as equals, all can minister, do your best to NOT exercise authority one over another, make the Gospel your purpose--and money--don't worry about it!...............click here to download
Do you
know anything about the history of the church? Do you know how the
church in the Bible operated, and how things were changed, many
years ago? This story is set in the future, but it is all about
the past, and will make you question your ideas about what the
church is, today.
...."And so Jesus gave us a new norm of
greatness. If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to
be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But
recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your
servant. (Amen) That's a new definition of
greatness.....by giving that definition of greatness, it means
that everybody can be great, (Everybody) because
everybody can serve. (Amen) You don't have to have a
college degree to serve. (All right) You don't have to
make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don't have
to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don't have to
know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve. You don't have to
know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. (Amen)
You only need a heart full of grace, (Yes, sir, Amen) a
soul generated by love. (Yes) And you can be that
servant...." (Dr. Martin Luther King, Feb. 4, 1968)
"Dusty of the American
Crew"..........A efree children's book brought about by a
dream. An adventurous tale that travels to outer space and
reveals pain, purpose and destiny in God.
"The Timeless Treasure" by Luann Dunnuck ---a healing commentary on the song of Solomon.
database site can help you find tracts and tract ministries from
all over the world.
THE BOOK OF JOHN.....Now with full-color illustrations, translated in the following languages......American Standard version (English).....Dutch.....French......German.....Hungarian.......Indonesian.......Italian.......King James version (English).......Norwegian.......Russian......Spanish......Swahili.........Tagalog
This ministry does not solicit or accept donations---praise God for His supply!
Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you were blessed. Please come back again soon. With your prayers and the Lord's help we hope to keep adding to this site. "that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." [2Timothy 3:17]