

"Look In The Mirror"........A tribal man who had never seen himself, one day looked in a mirror--and did not like what he saw! The Bible is God's mirror and it shows that all have fallen here to download this tract

"It Works a true war story"..........A young man receives Christ in the last moments of his life and reveals the truth, that salvation is here to download this tract

"Listen To God's Warning"........6 men were sitting on a beach when a tsunami warning came. Most of them ignored it! God has given a warning in His Word, have you heard His message of salvation? here to download this tract

"You Don't Know What You're Throwing Away!!"...........One day a man left $900 in a bag on his bicycle. A thief stole the bike and threw away the bag with the money! You never know what is valuable, unless you look inside, and unless you read the Bible for yourself.......! here to download this tract

"There Is Hope For You....But there Is Only One Way"......An attempted suicide leads someone to know the Way......Jesus! here to download this tract

"6B's".......Here is a children's tract that explains salvation simply, with colorful pictures here to download this tract

These are short, easy to understand Bible devotions meant to encourage everyone to read the Bible and grow closer to God. They can be printed individually or in one booklet here to download Bible Devotions

"G-A-N-G-S Are Not God's Solutions"

"Just Do It"........In the world, there is a lot of pressure to conform--to "fit in" with the crowd. "If everyone else drinks or smokes or cheats on a test--you should too". This tract gives teens the better alternative--"fit in" with here to download this tract

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction".......Have you tried everything in this world to satisfy? Drinking, smoking, drugs--all with a price--and none give anything but temporary relief. Only Jesus can satisfy--and his gift is free! here to download this tract

"Been There.....Done That!" .................Being a teen-ager is all about choices. The choices made today can effect the rest of your life. this tract presents the Gospel as the greatest choice that anyone can make, and every teen needs to here to download this tract

"The Choice"............Jesus is a choice. God does not force anyone to believe in Him.  Teens are making a lot of important choices in their life--but the greatest choice is simply to say "yes" to Jesus Christ as Lord and here to download this tract

"Body Piercing"...........Something that everyone is doing--should you? This tract testifies to teens about a Savior who was pierced--not to "fit in"--but to save the here to download this tract

Where To Go For Help........Do you think you are helpless in your problems…that there is nothing you can do, or nowhere you can go for help? Jesus is waiting for you to go to Him for help! here to download this tract

What Is Being Born Again?......You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God! What does this truly mean? here to download this tract

So What If This Is Your Last Day On Earth?.........Certainly a good question! Are you ready for what happens after this life? here to download this tract

The Love Of Jesus......God's love is found in Jesus, and His love is perfectly expressed in the salvation He has won for here to download this tract

What You Need To Know.........Did you know that Jesus said you need to be born again in order to be saved? This tract speaks clearly about the role of God the Holy Ghost in salvation, something we all should here to download this tract

Trust In The Lord God........There are great promises in the Bible and the way to access all of God's help is through faith and here to download this tract

Why Are We Even Born?........Some people feel no purpose in life, but God has great purposes for everyone! here to download this tract

"The Choice"............Jesus is a choice. God does not force anyone to believe in Him.  Teens are making a lot of important choices in their life--but the greatest choice is simply to say "yes" to Jesus Christ as Lord and here to download this tract

Are You Thinking About Killing Yourself?......This is a plea to you to hold on to Jesus with everything you have if you are thinking of killing yourself and not to do it!  Here is my testimony of what happened to here to download this here to download this study with smaller print

Have You Been Sexually Abused?......This study relates this question to young people in  a caring way. God cares for those who have been hurt! here to download this  study

What To Consider Before Having An Abortion.......This tract speaks clearly to women who are in this position. God loves every child He sends to this here to download this tract

Thinking Of Having An Abortion?........This tract speaks to women who are in that situation, with love, and a true testimony of God's help, strength, and here to download this tract

A Message For Teens And Young People.......Are you just going along with the crowd and doing whatever you want to do? Teens are at the time of life when important descisons need to be made, and the most important is to choose God! here to download this tract

"Smiles" is a one-page tract that contains 31 of my favorite funny one-liners on the front (which makes it very easy to distribute) and a great gospel message on the back. I give a copy to almost every person I meet. Join me in experiencing the joy of passing them out.


If you would like to have one of these tracts customized with your church's name, address etc. please contact me at There will be no charge for this service.

Smiles (Color version with one-liners for all audiences)

Smiles (Color version with one-liners especially for students in middle school through college)

Smiles (Black and white version with one-liners for all audiences)

Smiles (Black and white version with one-liners for all audiences, KJV scriptures)
Smiles (Black and white version with one-liners especially for students in middle school through college)
English gospel (without one-liners)

TEXT MESSAGES 4U...........What time is it? Are you :) or :( ? This tract is the basic Gospel message, with young people in mind, yet the most important message for anyone to hear and TMG.pd

ADVENT..........Who is coming soon? Do U know? The Advent season is all about the promise of Christ's coming, and a season for all believers to witness Jesus to TMA.pdf

  ADVENT 2........Advent means "coming". Who is coming? JESUS! TMA2.pdf

EASTER..........Do you need a new beginning? The death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is all about new beginnings. We all need a TME.pdf

 EASTER 2.............Why do we celebrate Easter? Because Jesus died, but not for long! His resurrection means new life for all who TME2.pdf

Easter 3.......At Easter we remember what Jesus did. Do you know what He did 4U? Easter Sum Thing 4U

MY EASTER PEACE 4U.........Peace. You can have peace. God has peace 4U. Jesus is the Way to find Easter Peace 4U

PENTECOST............The birthday of the Church. The Church is people. People who believe in Jesus. Are you one of those people? TMP.pdf

 PENTECOST 2............Jesus began His ministry by receiving the Holy Spirit. The church in the Bible began with a move of the Holy Ghost. Have you begun your walk with Jesus? TMP2.pdf


CHRISTMAS.............Christmas is party time----right? Time to buy gifts. No. It is the time of year when we remember the birth of Jesus, which is the greatest gift TMC.pdf


CHRISTMAS 2............What is Christmas all about? Is it just about gifts, or is it really about Jesus, the free gift 4 all TMC.pdf




HALLOWE'EN............Is Hallowe'en a harmless holiday? Any day that encourages us to disobey God is not harmless! This tract gently but firmly tells the truth about All Hallows' TMH.pdf

HALLOWE'EN 2...........Witches and ghosts and the stuff of this "holiday" it from God? Is it what God wants us to participate in? Is it all harmless fun?? TMH2.pdf

NEW LIFE 4U..........New clothes? News things? What about a new life! Only Jesus can give U new NL4Utext

SUM THING 4U..........1 cross plus 3 nails equals 4-given! If you can B-lieve in Jesus, you can be saved, restored,
healed, helped in every way, and Heaven is the gift He has Sumthing4U.pdf

THE OPEN DOOR 4U.......God's invitation to life and salvation is open for everyone! Jesus has made the Way for all people to receive a new life and God's best plan 4U....... OpenDoor4U.pdf

The WAY 4U......Which way is life leading you? This way....that way....are U sure U are going the right Way? God has a right way 4U, and the first step is to know Jesus as your Savior and your Friend! Way4U.pdf

RESTORATION 4U...........Our God is a God of restoration. He replaces what has been lost. He can heal and deliver and save, and these are His gifts 4U! Restoration4U.pdf

MY WORD 4U......God is giving you a message, a text message, it's called the Bible, His holy Word! Jesus is God's Word and the answer to the question of salvation and all blessing and hope. Do you know Him? MyWord4U.pdf

COME TEXT MESSAGE...."Come 2 Me, all U who labour & R heavy laden, & I will give U rest" Come to Jesus, He loves U and desires to heal U ComeTM.pdf

CALLING U.......Who is calling U? Do U know it is Jesus? And do U know that ALL who call on His name shall be saved!? CallingUTM.pdf

TRAFFIC LIGHTS.......The red traffic light of sin stops all of us be4 a holy God! Only Jesus can give the green light to life eternal and all the love that God has for us TrafTM.pdf