
When Moses needed help, he called on God.

Whenever we need help we can do the same thing. We can call on God anytime. We pray to God in the name of Jesus, because that is how God tells us to pray. God will help us when we call on Him and believe that He will help us. Many times, when Israel was in trouble, Moses called on God, and God came and helped them every time. We need to remember, that whenever we need help, wherever we are, we can call on God, and He will hear our prayer, and He will answer our prayer.

You don't need a lot of long words to pray to God, you just need to ask Him in your own words. You can say something like this prayer...

Dear Jesus, please come into my heart and help me. I need you to give me help every day, and I need you to be my friend everywhere I go. I want you to be my Savior and my God and my Friend. Jesus I believe in you, I know that you are God and that you will help me when I pray. I love you Lord Jesus, please be with me forever.

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