
The Doers Drama and Evangelical Insight is an inter-denominational christian body that is purposed on evangelizing the gospel by acting on it and living it anywhere and everywhere they find themselves.
James 1:22-25

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;  for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does."

The following objectives are sets to be achieved:
To build the christian children, youth and adults who act out the bible.
To encourage people about holy life living
To preach the true word of the gospel in every church, state, nation and christian bodies by acting and living it.
To live an exemplary life for both the born-again Christians and unbelievers to emulate.
To help pastors to exercise what is preached to the members so that they can also live it.

Free tracts:

Are You Prepared?....The Bible asks us to die to this world in order to live unto God. What does this mean? here to download

Are You Ready?.........Death is something no one likes to think about, yet we all know is inevitable. Do you know that Jesus Christ has conquered death--for you! here to download

Are You Troubled?.....There are many troubles in this world. But there is a God who knows every trouble you have seen, a God who desires to heal you! here to download

Inevitable Appointment......"It is appointed unto man once to die". Truer words were never written. We will all die, but are you ready for what comes next? here to download

Lamentation from Heaven......All Heaven rejoices when someone repents of sin. Have you done it? Have you given Jesus a try? here to download

The Man of Sin.....We are all born of Adam and Eve, and they fell to sin, so all of us are born with sin. But there is only one Way to be born here to download

Saved, Yet Lost.....Are you saved? The most important question of here to download

Who Have Sinned?.....Short answer: ALL have sinned! But there is a way to be saved, forgiven, healed from sin....believe in Jesus! here to download

Why Me?....We have all felt that way at times. Why are things the way they are? A good question--but God has the answers for you if you will believe in Him! here to download............

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