Chapter 10

The crew and Dusty arrive home.....

They are very surprised to see a great crowd welcoming them.. they are amazed as they are greeted by so many people who have heard the news...

Dusty gives the details of his ordeal to the newspaper men. They wonder how Dusty survived at all. He tells them of Gods great love and sustaining power during the trials of a child of God.

image " No temptation has overtaken you  except as is common to man, but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation, will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it"
1 Corinthians 10:13

Many are touched by God as Dusty speaks. The crowd is amazed, many of them crying out.. "truly there is a God in heaven"... "look at the mercy He has had upon this child".....
Others were rejoicing.. Surely there is hope for me .... How can I know this God?

Look how He has turned evil into good....
The outpouring of Gods love is great, and many repent and turn to God for the first time to find salvation...
The news men thought they were going to get a great story for their paper... but they got something even greater... salvation of their souls though faith in Jesus Christ.

Chapter 11

Dusty is happy.....
So very happy that people are finding his God.. but he feels a gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach... He must find his father..

suddenly... He hears a voice... "My boy... my boy...."



they embrace... there is no need for words right now...

And then Dusty looks about... "but father ... where are my brothers"??

"Something terrible has happened Dusty.. your brothers are being held at the governors office for questioning. The authorities suspect they might have had something to do with your disappearance and know more than they are saying".
"Father.. we must go find them.. and set them free...take me there right now"....

At the governors court the boys are being held in a large room and being questioned... one by one....

Dusty breaks in to the court... "I am here... all is well you can let them go"....
"Well it may not be so easy young man.... while Im glad to see you are alright... there is the matter of the law... you see"....

Dusty claims in their defense... "We went for a drive... yes they did drop me off in a lonely place, but if my brothers had not done what they did, I would not have been able to save the space station!.... I forgive them completely and I pray you will too."
"Oh... I see.... and you are ok "?
"Oh yes... and you can see how God brought me through it all, it was all His will and plan"....

And that very day the governor trusted God for his own salvation and was saved!

He prayed this simple prayer... "O Jesus.. I believe you are the only son of God and that you died for my sins.. please wash my sins away.. so I can be clean and spend eternity in glory with you"...

The boys were released from the custody of the governor... because Dusty had so forgiven them...

Out at the car the boys were so grateful for what Dusty did for them, that they fell at his feet and wept.

Dusty explains Gods favor, His love and forgiveness, and that he has forgiven them. He explains Gods protection throughout, and the great triumph God had planned.

For God needed Dusty to reveal His love and victory to a great many people. And have many people come to Him as a result of Dusty's life and obedience.

His brothers finally understand and repent of what they have done, but mostly they repent of never having known God, and having no desire to follow Him. Which led them to do evil things, for without God, all of us are pawns of the enemy and his evil plans.

Many hear of Dusty's story throughout the world.... and are saved... Dusty is famous... but only for the glory of God. To spread the good news of the gospel.



That all men are born into sin and need salvation that alone comes through the blood of Jesus Christ... and its so simple to be saved ,,, just say the prayer the governor prayed... but pray with faith... and mean it sincerely when you pray..

Everyone knows of Dusty of the American crew... but mostly they know that God is real and that He loves them too. And that He has a plan for them.. just like He had one for Dusty. Something better than they could imagine for themselves.. something that will bring more peop le to God. For this is the reason we are all here.

Don't you too want to find Gods plan and purpose for your life? He needs every one of us to serve him, and small people are no less important.. look what happened to Dusty..

Ask God now for your ministry and purpose in life.. reach for the highest good.. the highest goal... He will give it to you.. when He sees you trying.....

Make sure you seek your special purpose from God alone, don't let anyone else decide for you. Only God knows the reason He created you and the purpose for your life.

You can be sure it will bring more people into His kingdom... and you can be sure it will be the most exciting thing you will ever know.........

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

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Dusty of the American Crew copyright 2004 Laura Rich