These are versions of some of our best tracts that use video and graphics to present the Gospel. Use them on your computer or any mobile device that can access the internet. You can view them from this page or link directly to YouTube. Share the Gospel wherever you go, spread the Good News that Jesus is Lord and Savior!


BELIEVE E-TRACT..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNvcZJjlo70

BRIDGE THAT GAP! E-TRACT..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYa_KqSUgds

JEWISH EVANGELISM.......These E-tracts sent by e-mail and not for print, are wonderful for witnessing the Gospel to Jewish people...."Eternity, Your Final Destination"........."How To Recognize The Messiah"......."Isaiah 53".....(English) "Messiah In The Hebrew Bible"......"The Scapegoat"......."World On Fire"......"Split Arrow"....."Salvation Song"....."Portrait of Messiah"......"Moshiach"......."Blue Star of David"........"The Scapegoat" (Russian)......E-Messiah in the Hebrew Bible (Hebrew).......(Russian) "Messiah In The Hebrew Bible"

***NEW****...Print versions of these tracts for Jewish Evangelism....(click to download and print).....How To Recognize The Messiah.....Isaiah 53.......The Scapegoat....Messiah in the Hebrew Bible.......Eternity Your Final Destiny.......Postcard size tracts....Isaiah 53.......Portrait of Messiah......The Scapegoat.....Moses and the Coming of Messiah.....


Birthday E-Card Gospel Tracts......A birthday card presentation of the Gospel, providing a unique and useful witnessing tool. They can be sent by e-mail or on your phone. Each one contains the Gospel message, with bright eye-catching pictures.......click here to see all 33 of these tracts......click here to see these unique birthday greetings specifically designed for Jewish evangelism...

THE BEST BUSINESS E-TRACT..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzY8eT46Cz4

THAT'S WHY!  E-TRACT.........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoEEX_XcFPg

NOT FORGOTTEN AS AN E-TRACT..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGktx_dYPqY

JESUS IN ME AS AN E-TRACT.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JRh7T-HjYo

Witnessing The Gospel Never Fails..

The Pastor's Gift

(with scripture references.....)

About History......Between us today and the times of the Bible there are hundreds of years of Christian history. Hundreds of years of people who have decided how Christians will practice their faith. Did those folks make the right decisions for us today?......click here to download.......watch a video of this study.....

Circles of Faith......God gets people saved through apostleship--He sends small groups of people to sow the Word until the harvest of salvation comes. But is your church connected with this way of working together? Jesus worked through apostleship, and so did the Church in the Bible......it's so simple to get together and let God lead you in witnessing, we just need to do it!

Circles of Faith........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Ur4PRcxCY

What is Tithe?.....10% of what, to whom for what purpose? What does the Bible say about tithe? This simple study explains the myth of tithe that tradition has given us.......click here to download.....................view this study as a video below....

....(4:27).....Can you afford to give God just a few moments of your time? Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!.......You can link to it at this address........http://youtu.be/uoAjk8Hk6e4.....

iLife's 2 Most Important Questions.........A noted doctor has discovered that it is not safe to die. He came to this conclusion after  seeing people who had died and came back with hellish experiences. Where will you spend eternity?....................click here to download this tract....................click here to download this as an E-tract that can be easily used on a mobile device

ON-TRACT.COM GOSPEL PRESENTATION.....(5:08)...A powerful presentation of the message of the Bible......You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/d0_efynBMjk...............

ON-TRACT.COM GOSPEL PRESENTATION ESPANOL.....(7:07)...A powerful presentation of the message of the Bible in Spanish......You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/An-LH9HpXBw...............

WISE OR FOOLISH E-TRACT..........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5CJvo40OHg

............Some people have suffered much in this life, they need to know that Jesus loves them!.......You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/qbzwOamvwrs..........

.....(2:24)....Each of us is born with the burden of sin, but thank God we can be born again!..........You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/4F3-zgaqWFw..........

Quiz on Ministry......Who has ministry gifts? According to the Bible what percentage of believers have ministry gifts?......click here to download.........view the video teaching below.....

....(3:55).. Jesus came to save that which was lost. To be found in Him is to be made safe, to be made whole, to be healed and set free. Have you FOUND the salvation that Jesus has to give?.......download and print LOST AND FOUND You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/Yk7l5oHk9RA........

LOOK! LISTEN, LEARN AS AN E-TRACT.........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Xbr6RR1UU

SAY JOHN 3:16.........A heart-warming story of a little boy named Andy and the way he discovered Jesus...............download SAY JOHN 3:16 tract
............click here to download SAY JOHN 3:16 as an audio tract part 1.........part 2..........part 3..........part 4.....

SAY JOHN 3:16 AS AN E-TRACT.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFpj3kfRyCQ

CHOICE 4U E-TRACT........This video challenges the viewer to make the best Choice.....Jesus! You can link to it at this address......http://youtu.be/nCVEt5_9SUg.......

LOOK AND SEE.........What do you see? Do you see yourself? Do you see God? Some very important questions are asked in this tract for you................download LOOK AND SEE

LOOK AND SEE AS AN E-TRACT........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCRepmxmxh0

LOOK AND LIVE AS AN E-TRACT.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9chU4XaE1sY

