Emily's Tracts
people need the Lord

Free Christian tracts....

"Someone Has To Pay For It".............Once there was a woman who wanted some pretty bottles, so she emptied them. She didn't think that she had to pay for what was in the bottles! The fact is, there is a price that needs to be paid for everything, including our soul, and Jesus has paid that price........................click here to download this tract

"Look In The Mirror"........A tribal man who had never seen himself, one day looked in a mirror--and did not like what he saw! The Bible is God's mirror and it shows that all have fallen short........................click here to download this tract

"It Works.... a true war story"..........A young man receives Christ in the last moments of his life and reveals the truth, that salvation is real........................click here to download this tract

"Listen To God's Warning"........6 men were sitting on a beach when a tsunami warning came. Most of them ignored it! God has given a warning in His Word, have you heard His message of salvation?..........................click here to download this tract

"You Don't Know What You're Throwing Away!!"...........One day a man left $900 in a bag on his bicycle. A thief stole the bike and threw away the bag with the money! You never know what is valuable, unless you look inside, and unless you read the Bible for yourself.......!........................click here to download this tract

"There Is Hope For You....But there Is Only One Way"......An attempted suicide leads someone to know the Way......Jesus!
......................click here to download this tract

"6B's".......Here is a children's tract that explains salvation simply, with colorful pictures
...................click here to download this tract

And here is my new blogspot for teen girls...http://forchristianteengirls.blogspot.co.nz/.... 

***New*** E-Tracts******link Click here to view and download my new E-Tracts

"Are You Prepared For A Disaster?"...............click to view and share......

Are you prepared for a disaster
View more PowerPoint from emily_lauridsen

Here are some other E-tracts that you can use. The images can be downloaded, saved, or sent by e-mail (try right-clicking your mouse button).....
imageimagelink Click here to see more.......

These are short, easy to understand Bible devotions meant to encourage everyone to read the Bible and grow closer to God. They can be printed individually or in one booklet
.........................click here to download Bible Devotions

   I also make up a monthly email newsletter with Bible Devotions and Lessons, stories for children, poems, quotes, Missionary Stories and lots more. You can download some of them right here.......Newsletter#1.............Newsletter#2........Newsletter#3............Newsletter#4.............
