This series of 12 tracts is in the form of letters from Jesus; really each one a love letter as from the Lord. They are tracts for all seasons (2 in each category) in the following order: General, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost / Whitsuntide, Hallowe'en and Advent.  They are not arranged in alphabetical order -Advent, a tract of Hope, concluding the series because.....   


"The Good News Letter"........Jesus IS the Good News--the greatest gift that God sent to save us all! Jesus speaks directly to the reader and explains how much He loves us here to download this tract
"Missed The Mark".........This wonderfully written tract lets Jesus speak to people--to invite them into His kingdom---and witnesses the Gospel  in clear and loving here to download this tract

"Christmas"........The Christmas Good News Letter explains the true meaning of Christmas.  The Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus because they believed He was the here to download this tract
"Christmas tract #2".........God the Father gave us the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus His Son. But like any gift, salvation must be received. Christmas is a wonderful time to witness the Gospel--do it with this here to download this tract
"My Easter Peace 4 U"............Jesus died to give us peace. To restore man's releationship with God. This peace can't be bought or sold--only received freely, by here to download this tract<>

"Easter"........For the Easter season, a tract that tells about the fresh start that only Jesus can here to download this tract
"Easter tract #2"........Is Easter just all about eggs and bunnies? Well, they do represent new life---which is exactly what the Easter season is about--the new life found only in knowing our Saviour Jesus here to download this tract

" Pentecost"..........Jesus died and was resurrected, ascended up to heaven---but did not leave us alone! He gave us the power of the Holy Spirit--the Guide---the Comforter--the power of God for us to live by and overcome the here to download this tract
"Pentecost tract #2.........Pentecost is the birthday of the church. This tract gives the invitation that we as Christans are meant to share with everyone we meet--the Gospel! here to download this tract

"Hallowe'en".........Hallowe'en is NOT a Christian holiday! The Bible tells us not to have anything to do with witches, wizards or psychics. Why should we not participate in Hallowe'en? Because it hurts God---and it could hurt us! here to download this tract
"Hallowe'en tract #2"..........Is it right to dress up like a witch or wizard or a dead thing on Halloween? Absolutely not! Besides--it's a whole lot more fun to put on the new man--to be the new creation--that only comes from knowing here to download this tract



"Advent"..........Jesus is coming again soon-----we must tell the world to come unto Him. This tract will help you to have the Word of God that saves--right in your hand--to share with the here to download this tract
"Advent tract #2"............Jesus is the "light of  the world"--and He is coming back again. Advent is all about the coming of our Lord---the message we need to share everywhere we  here to download this tract




"The Open Door 4U"..........Jesus made the way for salvation for all people everywhere. He opened the door, for all to enter God's kingdom. It is our job as believers to simply let the world know!  here to download this tract


 "The Way 4 U"................Jesus is the Way. He has made the way for all people to be saved. Download this tract and carry the vital message of salvation to everyone you  here to download this tract

 "Restoration 4U".............Jesus does more than just give us eternal life in heaven (although that really is more than we can imagine!) He restores our soul. This special tract will help those in  here to download this tract

 "Sum Thing 4U"...........1 cross, plus 3 nails, equals 4 given! This is the message of the Gospel. Yes, you can be forgiven, you can be restored to God, and receive the free gift  of eternal  here to download this tra ct

 "MyWord 4U".........God has given us a Word of life and blessing. Jesus came to save us. He is the Word and the Good News that all people need to hear and by clicking here

"New Life 4U"............New shoes? New clothes? New "things" are not a new life! God has a great plan 4U,  for your life, a new life in by clicking here

"Best In Show"............This tract is designed to be displayed at fairs or nearly any public event. Jesus is the best, and He has the best possible life for all of us, if we will follow Him by by clicking here

"Come".....Jesus has given an open invitation to everyone. It is our job as believers to simply let people know about this Good News, this incredible, wonderful salvation which can only be found in Him. He is coming back soon! Share the Gospel with everyone! by clicking here

"Calling You"........Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.....and the name to call on is....JESUS! by clicking here

"Traffic Lights"........Red, amber, green for go, this tract is designed to encourage people to STOP and make sure they know Jesus! by clicking here


TEXT MESSAGES 4U tracts 4 young people