
free tract downloads:

Time To Awake...........This nation was founded by Christians and God has blessed us when we have listened to Him. But are we listening today?........click here to download......

Help Is Sure......When you feel rejected, discouraged, alone...God will help you! This poem will encourage those in need............click here to download......

Just For You.....Here is a poem that intermingles with Bible verses to explain the wonderful gift of salvation that Jesus has, for you!...........click here to download......

Please Listen......God makes us male and female, and sin is the darkness that comes on us all, to confuse and make us turn away from Him........click here to download......

A Plumber's Heart......This poem is an invitation for someone to accept Jesus as Lord.......click here to download......

Prayer Of The Unborn........A living soul is made by God from conception. What if that soul could speak?.......click here to download......

A Prisoner's Prayer........Sin is the fact that we all have to face. But God gave us repentance which leads to His wonderful forgiveness in Jesus Christ!.......click here to download......

Waiting In Line......We are all waiting in line in this life, but what is at the end of that line? Jesus gives the answer to eternal life!......click here to download......

Love Has Power........Greater love has no man than this, that man lay down his life for his friends.....Jesus' great love was to die for all people, to save and heal!.....click here to download......

