From/By Monique Nicole Fox
~by Monique Nicole Fox~
I won the lotto.
And guess what I won?
I won a lifetime of riches,
The presence of God and Jesus Christ His son.
I won the lotto.
I hit the jackpot.
Blessings and lovingkindness
from God that's what I got
I won the lotto.
I picked the powerball, pick 3 and pick 4;
Wisdom, guidance, and mercy
from God now and forevermore.
I won the lotto.
I am set for life
Until my dying days;
All because of whom I praise.
I am a winner; a millionaire.
I made the right plays.
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Are you pursuing the Pick 3, Pick 4 or Powerball?
Are you pursuing things of greed in your life?
Are you pursuing the profits of the stock market?
Are you pursuing a big luxury car to show you made it?
Are you pursuing a new job or a promotion?
Or are you a fugitive from giving God your full devotion?
Have you fled or abandoned your child?
Have you fled sluttish ways and being wild?
Have you fled the danger of Satan and sin?
Have you fled the abuse of battering men?
Have you fled adultery and cheating?
Have you fled drinking and partying?
Have you fled hate and discrimination?
Have you fled from God's justice and protection?
If you say yes with an up and down nod,
Turn yourself over to the Heavenly Chief.
His love, His grace, His rod
And staff shall comfort thee.
Then you won't be a fugitive spiritually.
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Be on the lookout for the
Most wanted by the DEA,
The most wanted by the CIA,
The most wanted by the FBI!
No! The most wanted by God up high.
God is looking for all elders, middle aged, teens
Anyone who hasn't been worshipping him in spirit and in truth.
God is looking for his children to be with him
In moments of happiness and not just moments that are dim.
God is looking for all who need some guidance.
Surrender and let His wisdom and light have a chance.
God is looking for all considered not saved,
Those wayward souls and those misbehaved.
God is looking for all fugitives from His grace;
Traitors and deserters that have disappeared without a trace.
God is looking for all that lack faithfulness
To imprison them with His love and kindness.
If you'll have any information on the Most Wanted
Contact God, dial 1-800-Heavenly-Places
To end the looking and searching, to end the chase.
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Spring is here.
Summer is almost here.
Vacations are just around the corner,
Approaching quickly and growing near.
And so often we plan our trips,
Make itineraries or reservations,
Get State Department travel tips,
Submit passport applications,
And sometimes let our spiritual side slip.
And often you may take along
New clothes and excitement,
And forget what really belongs;
Forgetting to pack your Christ commitment;
Forgetting to keep your faith and righteousness strong.
So before you depart on a summer getaway,
Pack your Lord in your heart keeping him close,
Pack your bible for a daily reading, a scripture dose,
Since you probably won't make it to church while you are away.
Also before you leave on vacation this year,
Plan it with the Lord's honor and glory in mind.
Make sure your character and language is kind;
Remember to keep the Lord spiritually near.
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Satisfaction guaranteed
a promise that sales ads
so often read
Satisfaction guaranteed
a promise advertisers make
a very tempting lure indeed
Satisfaction guaranteed
a promise not just a part of the commercial world
but a promise that God makes for those that follow His lead
Satisfaction guaranteed
a promise if you walk in love and light of God
a promising path for you to proceed
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
No need to fuss or fight
or get yourself all uptight
cause God is like medicine
and will make you feel alright.
So calm down!
No need to consume yourself with grief
or rob yourself of sleep like a thief
cause God can lift your turmoil
and will give you heavenly relief.
So calm down!
No need to be sad, mope or frown
or let people bring your mood down
cause God's love everywhere
and the best inspiration in town.
So calm down!
No need to complain and think negative
or let depression cultivate and live
cause God has an abundance of light
and positivity to give.
So calm down!
No need to cheat, lie or steal
or commit suicide with an overdose of pills
cause God is the guidance you need
and can cure your life's sins and ills.
So calm down!
No need to dwell on what you haven't done
or races you haven't won
and unmapped goals
cause God has your life under control.
So calm down!
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
No use in arguing with those who have no clue
or trying to make them understand your point of view.
So let it rest!
No use in turning lively discussions into a heated
or turning road rage into murder with a gun.
So let it rest!
No use in exchanging hurtful words or insults
or letting your blood pressure skyrocket as a result!
So let it rest!
No use in stressing yourself out
or walking around mad or in a pout.
So let it rest!
No use in worrying about what other think about you
or what they say.
Just continue walking and living in a spiritual way.
So let it rest!
No use in trying to be what others want you to be
for the only one you have to prove anythin
g to is God the Almighty
So let it rest!
In God's hands are our problems and pests.
God knows and does what is best.
So in God, let it rest!
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Ooops! You forgot to say your prayers daily.
Ooops! You forgot to go to church or bible study.
Ooops! You haven't been reading the bible regularly.
Ooops! You forgot what Proverbs 16:24 says about pleasant words.
Ooops! You forgot to be nice or heavenly.
Ooops! You haven't been living according to God's commandments.
Ooops! You forgot to love thy neighbor acting peacefully.
Ooops! You haven't been putting God first.
When you don't praise and glorify God,
Your life won't seem to go right,
Your life will have something missing or odd.
When you don't walk in the light and love of our
You are welcoming in Satan
And evil to come in and bother.
Correct your life's ooops!
Do some Spring cleaning
And spiritually re-group
Just by adding God into the loop.
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Lift up your prayer
To God who is here, there and everywhere
Lift up your soul
To God who makes our lives whole
Lift up your voice in song and praise
Look to God till your dying days
Lift up your supplication
To God with joy and elation
Lift up God's statutes and commandments
If you have been backsliding: repent
Lift up your heart
Live a righteous life, be good, and be smart
Lift up your head
And give thanks for your blessings and daily bread
Lift up your hands toward God's oracle
And don't let Satan and sin be an obstacle
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Come to God
all that are weary
and burdened with life's weights
let God lift you from dire straights
Come to God
all that are overwhelmed
and stressed
let God lift you from the entire mess
Come to God
all that are in need of guidance
and help
let God lift you out of that circumstance
Come to God
all that are confused
and in turmoil
let God lift you out of the muddy waters, filth and quick sands soil
Come to God
all that are run down
and tired
let God save you before you drown
You will find Him the best weight lifter in town
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
It is diet time!
A time to slim down those burdens weighing you down
It is diet time!
A time to get rid of those extra pounds
It is diet time!
A time to cut out Satan and sin on every ground
It is diet time!
A time to get rid of the dead beats hanging around
It is diet time!
A time to pick up a smile and get rid of that frown
It is diet time!
A time to cut out the pity parties at home and all over town
It is diet time!
A time to get rid of negative people and those that putdown
It is diet time!
A time to workout your life with God all year round
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
God purifies the mind, body and soul
God cleans, God cleanses
Like the detergent TIDE
Repent your sins you feel inside
God forgives and washes away our transgressions
God makes the dirt go away
God removes the stains
Like the detergent GAIN
God helps the wrinkles in our life
God makes them cuddle up fresh
Like SNUGGLE with color protection
Let God be you detergent; let God be your selection
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Pour God's love, understanding, wisdom and
on your stain or spot
Rub it into the fabric of your life
It doesn't matter whether the water is cold or hot
Just let God relieve your troubles, grief, and stress
Let God clean up whatever is a mess
Set the wash cycle on GOD not permanent press
Time to make fresh start
Peace and happiness be unto you and God bless
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
The Godtime Cable Station
is better than Showtime or Lifetime
or CBS, ABC and NBC
cause it is a station run by the Almighty.
Plus it is broadcasted worldwide
with messages from the divine inside
where there is much love and good news reside.
Plus it is aired 7 days a week
and 12 months a year
with loyal and faithful subscribers so dear.
By staying tuned to this station
each and every day,
You can live in the light of God
and walk in a righteous pathway.
So don't change the channel!
Don't go away!
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
All of my heart, soul, faith and trust are put into
God Fund
a long term investment with no risks and is number one
It never looses value
It never takes a dip
It never goes into the negative
It never depreciates
It always pays off
It always provides a wealth
of love, life, peace, and good health
It always provides a dividend
It is the best asset allocation
That will last for eternity and til my life's end
I am financially secure. Amen!
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
God's presence supports me as I work and play
soothes my sorrows and makes them okay
straightens my paths
organizes my time in a spiritual way
manages my life's appointments
supervises my day
I acknowledge God at all times
in everything I do and in everything I say
so my life's schedules and events happen with no delay
God is the best time management mechanism there is today
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
Debit Satan and sin
Credit God's glory is where you begin
Debit cheating and adultery
Credit monogamy and honesty
Debit deceit and lies
Credit the Lord til the day you die
Debit wizards, witches and false worship
Credit the Bible's teachings, it's divine scholarship
Debit things that lead you astray
Credit God's commandments that you obey
Debit false friends and those that betray
Credit God's goodness that you portray
Debit hate, violence and bigotry
Credit peace, love and unity
Debit grief and sorrow
Credit God's love and hope for tomorrow
Debit and credit your life for tranquility
Debit and credit your life for prosperity
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
The Bank of God is an establishment
for receiving thanks and praises
The Bank of God is an establishment
for keeping peace, love, and unity
The Bank of God is an establishment
for issuing angels; regulatory representatives
The Bank of God is an establishment
for lending a helping hand; guidance; direction
God examines, verifies, approves or rejects my daily
God's commandments, ordinances is my overdraft protections
I make sure I keep my life, my account in good standing, good condition
My account has been open for several years
And only can be closed by God and my loved ones will shed their tears
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
I put time and effort into the business of the
I put in my heart and soul; everything I could and couldn't
I put in praise, belief, and understanding
Obtaining deliverance and acceptance
And having good health, food, shelter and clothing
Cause I am investing in my soul
Cause this is my profitable spiritual goal
~By Monique Nicole Fox~
I owe God my life and livelihood
I am responsible for knowing right from wrong, bad from good
I am obligated to serve and pray
I have to return to him my soul and spirit someday
I have to give back my poetic gift some kinda way
I am bound by his covenant, his way
It is my duty to follow his commandments; I must obey
I have to pay him back with my love
I am indebted to God above
I am in debt to the Lord for my existence
I am liable for my sins: repentence
A bad credit report, a bad earthly report has a damning consequence
Therefore, I stay in good grace because I will oneday want a heavenly
For what I owe God is my expense
For what I owe God is very immense
I am Monique Nicole Fox. I am an Accountant (by
Poet (by heart), sweet (by nature), ethnic (by design), American (by
origin), a Marylander (by residency), female (by gender), 32 (by years
alive), Christian (by faith) and loved (by God).