1. Who We Are----Who We Are NOT-!.........We are a network of Christians who write and distribute tracts. This website is an invitation to join in the spreading of the Gospel. We are not an "organized" church---and do not solicit donations (never have--never will). We firmly believe in giving away the "free gift" freely, and working together as equals in the Lord.

2. What We Have.......We have hundreds of free tracts and Bible studies at this website that can be read, downloaded, printed, duplicated and distributed. Please go to our download page right now, so you can download and print the tracts yourself, we greatly appreciate your effort and so does the Lord! The tracts at that page are in various categories from the home page (www.tracts.com) most of these links have been built by Christians from all over the world so please take your time and look around our website, it's really quite large and contains tracts in many many languages, video and audio tracts,
tracts for children, teens, special holidays, and many more.

3. Suggestions For You........There are many other great tract ministries on the internet. Take a look at this page: www.tracts.com/CTD.html  or:  www.tractlist.com. These lists can help you find tracts for almost any need you might have.

May God bless you as you serve Him

P.S. (One More Invitation!) Do you write tracts or Bible studies? Do you have a calling from the Lord to illustrate the Bible, or do Christian graphics? Are you willing to share your ministry with the rest of the body of Christ through the internet? Send your work to us-
Tracts1@aol.com-we will publish it at our website!