Tracts To Share With Homosexuals
ALL of us have sinned. Homosexuality is a sin, but it is no greater
or worse than any other sin. This is the true and simple message the
Bible contains and everyone needs to know. Yes we are all sinners,
so ALL of us need a Savior--Jesus! People who are practicing a
homosexual lifestyle are playing a dangerous game and need to
understand the truth, but in a way that will lead them to fully
understand the greatest love that God has for them--the fact that
Jesus has paid the price for sin and given the free gift of eternal
life to everyone who will believe.
We as Christians are called to speak the truth in love. We humbly
pray that these tracts will help and encourage you to speak with
love and truth to homosexuals.
Were You Born A Homosexual?.......Many people feel as if
homosexuality is something they were born with. This is a tricky
subject! All of us were born with sin, which makes us think wrong
things are right. We were all born with sin, but only through faith
in Jesus Christ can we become born here
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The Bible Does Not Just Bash Gays, It Bashes Everybody!.........Homosexuality
is a sin according to the Bible. In our day and age some try to
suggest that this is cruel or insulting to say, but it is simply the
truth. The greater truth is that everyone is called a sinner by the
laws contained in the Bible. The full Bible message is that we are
all sinners and we all need a here to
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The Difference Between Lifestyle and Temptation............Sin
is something we are all tempted with. Every day Christians are
tempted by sin and all of us fall to temptation. God understands our
temptations and is ready to forgive us when we confess them to Him.
The only real mistake we can make is to believe that a sin is not a
sin and to believe it is correct to practice a sin as a here to download
this tract
Sin Hurts Someone........ Some sins are easy to
understand. For example, God says "thou shalt not murder", and
it is very clear that someone gets hurt when the sin of murder
occurs. Sin hurts someone, it hurts God, and it takes authority over
another person's life. So how does homosexuality hurt
someone? here to
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The Godly Aspects Of A Homosexual Relationship........Homosexuality
is a tricky subject. The truth is that it can be entwined with some
Godly aspects. There is nothing wrong with two men or two women
loving one another, or being friends together. But the spiritual
force of sin can trick people into carrying these Godly gifts into
something that is here to
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