iA selection of Stories, Poems and Prayers based on God's wisdom as revealed in the Bible's Wise Words 4 U. This series will help you to know more of God's Word and above all to know God Himself - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Wisdom is a tree of Life.. Proverbs 3:18

WISE WORDS 4U.......Calm....Cool....Collected....wise words indeed! This wonderful booklet is based upon words written by the Headmaster of a Christian school many years ago. God has wisdom for us all, in His Word.......download WISE WORDS 4U partA......part B.......part C.........part D

The Blessings Of The Lord For You

As a Christian,  are you aware of all the blessings the Word of God holds, for you? God is a God of love, healing, deliverance and He desires to bless His people with all good things. The Bible contains His promise of blessing and life for you. Read this study and you will be blessed and grow in Him....................................click here  to download "Blessings 4U"


 Another Advocate

Another Advocate is a Bible Study explaining the name of God's gift of the Holy Spirit - His work and witness.  A Biblical knowledge of the work of Christ's Another Advocate on earth gives every Believer a deeper understanding of the precious gift of the Holy Spirit and a great encouragement in personal witness......................click here  to download Another Advocate..........................click here  to download Another Advocate (workbook version)

                                                                                            Prayers of Jesus

Did you know that Jesus prayed for you? In the Bible He paused and prayed (something all of us certainly ought to do too!). there is much to be learned from these prayers, this study looks at all of these prayers in an easy to read and understand way...........click here  to download Prayers of Jesus..........................click here  to download Prayers of Jesus  (workbook version)

Lia's Story
This booklet is the true and inspiring story of a young girl who lived through the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Lia's remembrances will inspire you through the great faith that she and so many others exercised, during the nightmare of the second world war. God will help us when we are in need, and no need is too great for Him to overcome. Lia's story is good reading for all ages as it combines a Godly testimony with a true historic account and is told in clear and easy to understand language. We all can learn from Lia's story.
click here to download Lia's story

                                                            What A Good Thing You've Been Born!
You have been placed here, in this world, at this time, by God. He has a purpose for you, a reason for you to be here. What a wonderful thing it is when you can  help someone else. Why does it feel good to help? Because it's jus t what God wants. God gave us the greastest example in Jesus. He was born too, and what a good thing it was that Jesus was born! Why? Because by believing in Jesus, you can be born again!
click here to download What A Good Thing You've Been Born 

Christmas Peace 4 You



A baby was born a very long time ago in Bethlehem. A small thing. A common thing, but not in the eyes of God! All the promises of God were in that little babe, all the blessings, and all the peace we need so very much in these troubled days. This is a wonderful booklet to share with others at the holiday season...........download part "A"..........download part "B"


    Easter Peace 4U

At Easter we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The message of Easter is simply that Jesus is alive, and because He lives, all those who believe in Him also shall live. Jesus made the way for salvation through the forgiveness from sin with His precious blood offering at the cross. He opened the way for God's Spirit to dwell among men. These are very very BIG things, and we all ought to know them, understand them, and share them with others. This booklet will help you do just that............download by clicking here


This message gives the Reader, may be a thirsting soul, an opportunity to drink in the comfort and peace of God's word as you rest in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May you receive in your spirit His manifold blessings, growing in His grace, as you read the ancient words of the Bible, from both the Old and New Testaments, with their message of Hope in the love of God, by the modern means of the Internet.............download by clicking here

The Door  

In the book of John, Jesus described Himself as a door. He is the entrance to God's kingdom--there is no other. He is the entrance to salvation and healing and deliverance and freedom. When Jesus was born, Simeon and Anna saw God's plan of salvation through His Son. This booklet describes their actions, and witnesses the Gospel in a wonderful way. "The Door" is also available in a dramatized version..........The Door.........download part "A"..........download part "B" ................The Door Drama........download part "A"..........download part "B"


This booklet relates the Gospel of Jesus Christ with God's creation, His beautiful work found in nature, specifically with the attributes of flowers. Truly a sweet and gentle way to witness salvation and the love of God. The pages can be printed front to back, or on one side only.................download page 1...........download page 2.......download page 3...........download page 4

Mary is a very important person in the Bible and like everyone in the Bible, we can learn much from her example. The story of Mary has a message for all of us......download part 1, Mary's Christmas Story 4U...............download part 1, Mary's Christmas Story 4U (workbook version)...........download part 2, Mary's Easter Story 4U.............download part 2, Mary's Easter Story 4U (workbook version)

