Free Bible Tracts


I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ the head of my life and in whom is my life, to have inspired me to write these tracts. I never thought that I would be able to put pen to paper to write , because I was told in school and otherwise that I do not have the capabilities to achieve anything educationally, people use to laugh at my writings.

But 2 cor 5:17 declares that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new. I hope that these tracts will inspire someone to find Christ and to come to the acknowledgement of who He is and the urgency of their souls to be saved.

free tracts for you to download and print....

It Is Well
.....Jesus said "Come unto me all who labor and I will give you rest." There is strength in God for your journey in life! here to download

A Godless Generation
....At the end times perilous days will come. Are you ready for the days that lie ahead? here to downloadi


Left Behind.......What plans do you have for your soul today if the Lord should come? A question we all should consider! here to download

Tell Them My Coming Is Near
.....The Bible makes it clear that Jesus will return. There will be great tribulation in that day, but no one knows the exact day or hour! here to download
