Why are there problems in my life that God just doesn't seem to do anything about? I try and I try.....I pray.....And I read my Bible.......I think about it over and over and over again...! I don't know what to do- these problems just won't go away! I'm at the end of my rope! Jesus, I surrender! I give up! And that was the moment I was healed! You see, when we have a problem, the first step, is to surrender it to Jesus. I was trying to solve the problem on my own. Once I gave the problem to Him, and admitted that I couldn't solve it, then, Jesus came in and I was healed! Remember, in our spiritual war, surrender to Jesus Christ comes first, and then, He gives us the victory. For, the victory is always His!
Why are there problems in my life that God just doesn't seem to do anything about? I try and I try.....I pray.....And I read my Bible.......I think about it over and over and over again...! I don't know what to do- these problems just won't go away! I'm at the end of my rope! Jesus, I surrender! I give up! And that was the moment I was healed! You see, when we have a problem, the first step, is to surrender it to Jesus. I was trying to solve the problem on my own. Once I gave the problem to Him, and admitted that I couldn't solve it, then, Jesus came in and I was healed! Remember, in our spiritual war, surrender to Jesus Christ comes first, and then, He gives us the victory. For, the victory is always His!