Please do not throw this message away until you have read it thoroughly and very seriously considered the pure truth that is written herein. What follows is not the belief of any certain church denomination, nor is it the fanatical, distorted viewpoint of some cult.In no way or at any time does the doctrine or any principle herein fail to coincide exactly with God's word, the Holy Bible.This, my friend, is the truth, every word. Please believe it. Your decision regarding this matter, that is, whether to accept Jesus Christ or reject Him, is without question the most important one you will ever make in your life. Why? Because the decision you make will determine where you spend eternity. This choice lasts forever. Listen, the soul of a man never dies, it exists and lives in either heaven or hell forever. One hundred years come and go, a thousand years come and go, a million years come and go, and not one second has elasped in heaven or hell. Eternity is infinite, it has no end. EVER. With this thought in mind the importance of this matter cannot be overstated. Some people think it is easy to get to heaven, that hell is reserved for mass murderers, rapists, adulterers, and the like, but not for a good moral citizen. Is this true? Let us hear what God says: "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish".(Luke 13:5). "Verily,verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God".(John 3:3). Without forgiveness of sin and spiritual regeneration (being born again) no one, however upright and moral, will make heaven their home. A definite transformation, a real change in your life and thought must occur, for this is the witness of true regeneration. (2 Corinthians 5:17). A true Christian will be peculiar to the unsaved world.(1 Peter 2:9, Titus 2:14). He thinks and acts differently because he has been genuinely born again and has the nature of God. So God's word plainly tells us we must be truly regenerated. There is no substitute. Good morals alone will not save us. To recieve this regeneration you must first realize your need, admit to God that you have sinned and fallen short of His glory.(Romans3:23). Then believe with all your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, died on the cross for your sins, and that only He has the power and authority to forgive and save you. (Acts4:12). Then, with this faith confess your sins to Him, (1 John 1:9 Proverbs 28:13) determining in your heart to forsake all known sin and with His help live for Him.
Please do not throw this message away until you have read it thoroughly and very seriously considered the pure truth that is written herein. What follows is not the belief of any certain church denomination, nor is it the fanatical, distorted viewpoint of some cult.In no way or at any time does the doctrine or any principle herein fail to coincide exactly with God's word, the Holy Bible.This, my friend, is the truth, every word. Please believe it. Your decision regarding this matter, that is, whether to accept Jesus Christ or reject Him, is without question the most important one you will ever make in your life. Why? Because the decision you make will determine where you spend eternity. This choice lasts forever. Listen, the soul of a man never dies, it exists and lives in either heaven or hell forever. One hundred years come and go, a thousand years come and go, a million years come and go, and not one second has elasped in heaven or hell. Eternity is infinite, it has no end. EVER. With this thought in mind the importance of this matter cannot be overstated. Some people think it is easy to get to heaven, that hell is reserved for mass murderers, rapists, adulterers, and the like, but not for a good moral citizen. Is this true? Let us hear what God says: "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish".(Luke 13:5). "Verily,verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God".(John 3:3). Without forgiveness of sin and spiritual regeneration (being born again) no one, however upright and moral, will make heaven their home. A definite transformation, a real change in your life and thought must occur, for this is the witness of true regeneration. (2 Corinthians 5:17). A true Christian will be peculiar to the unsaved world.(1 Peter 2:9, Titus 2:14). He thinks and acts differently because he has been genuinely born again and has the nature of God. So God's word plainly tells us we must be truly regenerated. There is no substitute. Good morals alone will not save us. To recieve this regeneration you must first realize your need, admit to God that you have sinned and fallen short of His glory.(Romans3:23). Then believe with all your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, died on the cross for your sins, and that only He has the power and authority to forgive and save you. (Acts4:12). Then, with this faith confess your sins to Him, (1 John 1:9 Proverbs 28:13) determining in your heart to forsake all known sin and with His help live for Him.