There is a myth in the world that I have heard many many times--"When you die you will face God's judgment!" God will "judge" if you were good enough to get into heaven. did you do enough good things--did you attend the right church-! Well I am sorry to tell some folks this--but--it's not the name of your church that gets you into heaven--it's the name of Jesus! But what does the Bible really say about judgment? Well I have some bad news for you--God has already passed judgment on each and every one of us...and His judgment is perfectly fair and just and absolutely correct. You see, God's judgment of us all is.....

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."[Romans 3:23]

"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin."[Romans 3:19,20]

"For the wages of sin is death..."[Romans 6:23]

So we are all sinners, and for our sin, we deserve death and Hell!-- We are all of us, on death row! But wait!! If you were on death row, and there was a phone call for you--wouldn't you answer it!?

There is a myth in the world that I have heard many many times--"When you die you will face God's judgment!" God will "judge" if you were good enough to get into heaven. did you do enough good things--did you attend the right church-! Well I am sorry to tell some folks this--but--it's not the name of your church that gets you into heaven--it's the name of Jesus!But what does the Bible really say about judgment? Well I have some bad news for you--God has already passed judgment on each and every one of us...and His judgment is perfectly fair and just and absolutely correct. You see, God's judgment of us all is.....

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."[Romans 3:23]

"Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin."[Romans 3:19,20]

"For the wages of sin is death..."[Romans 6:23]

So we are all sinners, and for our sin, we deserve death and Hell!-- We are all of us, on death row! But wait!! If you were on death row, and there was a phone call for you--wouldn't you answer it!?