Really?” he asks. “So you don’t believe Jesus, whose Hebrew name is ‘Yeshua,’ is the Messiah, the Savior who was promised to come?”

No,” you respond. “We believe the Messiah hasn’t come yet, but he will someday. And when he does, he’ll fulfill all the prophecies about him.”

I see. So what do you think of the prophecies of Isaiah 53?”

I’m not sure I’m familiar with that passage,” you admit.

Well, first of all, as you may know, Yeshua was often called the ‘Lamb of God,’ representing the lambs that the Israelites needed to sacrifice in order to cover their sins with the blood. Yeshua is said to be the ultimate sacrifice.”

So, what’s your point?” you wonder aloud.

Let me recite some of your own scriptures to you from the prophet Isaiah, written some 700 years before Yeshua came to earth: ‘He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities (sins), the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.1’ It also says: ‘The Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all2’ and ‘he was led like a lamb to the slaughter.3’ Does this person Isaiah’s talking about sound familiar to you? Apparently he would be pierced and would die for everyone’s sins.”

What do you say?

a. “Did you say that Yeshua is God? Why is that?” Go to page 5.

b. “Interesting. What else do you believe?” Go to page 22.


1 – Isaiah 53:5, 2 – Is. 53:6 3 – Is. 53:7