Really?” he asks. “Everything is God? Even rocks, birds, and beetles?”d

Yes,” you explain. “Everything makes up God; everything is one with him. I believe it limits him to say he’s a person.”

But then who decides what is good and evil?”d

I don’t like to use the words ‘good’ and ‘evil’,” you reply. “I prefer to think of them as ‘light and darkness.’”

Well, the Bible makes no distinction. It says that to do good is to walk in God’s light,1 while to do evil is to stumble in the darkness.2 By the way, I would actually say someone is limited when they can’t do things. How is it limiting God to say he is an all-powerful Person? A person can do a lot more than a force with no mind, no emotions, and no will of its own.”

I wouldn’t say he doesn’t have any of those things…” you argue.

But if he does,” he insists, “that automatically makes him a person. Just the fact that you keep calling him ‘he’ also shows that you already know it. Another question, does this mean you believe that you’re god?”

I think we all are.”

But most people don’t believe that. So if we are all god, are you saying that we are omniscient – all-knowing – but don’t always know it? Isn’t that a contra-diction? If so, how can you be sure of anything you believe?”

What do you say?

a. “If you’re so sure, what else do you believe?” Go to page 22.

b. “Well, I have reasons to believe in reincarnation.” Go to page 32.

1 – Matthew 5:16, 2 – Proverbs 4:19