Yes, Jesus is coming back....and quickly! Are you ready for the Millenium? No, I don't mean the year 2,000--I'm talking about the return of Jesus Christ, and His 1,000 year reign on earth and the eternal restoration that follows, when...."Every tear will be wiped away"...(oh the Lord will have a few tears to wipe from my about you?) So, how can you get there? Well look what you just read...."only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.." Is your name in the Lamb's Book of Life? My name is in there...all I did was pray a simple prayer! Why don't you pray this prayer of faith with me right now..."Lord Jesus, I believe that you are God, that you became a man, died upon the cross and rose from the dead. I believe that you did this for forgive my sin by your shed blood upon the cross...and that you rose from the dead to save me from death and give me the free gift of eternal life. Lord Jesus, come into my heart, come into my my Savior, my God and my friend. I love you Jesus, and I want to be with you forever! Amen!" Now if you just prayed that prayer and meant it in your heart, your name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life!! Jesus is going to come in and dwell in your heart, you are going to get filled with the Holy Spirit...oh boy a lot of great things are going to happen to you..! God bless you in your new Christian walk, and I'll see you at the New Jerusalem!


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