"I must deliver my message!"
"Mohe shalla. dalay---oh gee--God wants us to go somewhere today--!"
"I see an angel!"
"What's he doing?"
"He's throwing a beach ball!"
"A beach ball?!"
"What does that mean"
"It means we're going to the beach today!"
"Doesn't God know it's February?"
"I'm freezing. How long do we have to stay here? The baby is going to get cold. There's nobody here on a day like today!"
"Wait, look, the guy with the bicycle--he looks like he's homeless."
"Okay, you watch the baby"
"Do you know that Jesus loves you?"
"Ahh--I don't need that bull---!"
"Well, I don't know. I witnessed to him, but he wasn't exactly receptive-!"
"That's okay, we did what God said to do--we sowed the Gospel. Let's go home before we freeze!"
"Those people. they came out here on a day like today......."
Salvation is always the decision of an individual. Repentance is something that comes from the heart of man, to God, as a great gift. It is what God is looking for.
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2Peter 3:9)
And wherever and whenever anyone goes on their knees, and asks and believes..........God saves.
"Jesus, please save me, please help me..."
A gift.
True ministry does not look like much in the earth. It is simple service to His will. It is the sharing of the Gospel with the lost. But to God it is greater than anything.
Salvation is an exchange of gifts. You give your repentance to God. He gives you eternal life. And He releases you to freely serve Him with your life.
All in all--not a bad deal.