What to do with your Seeds Christian tracts.

Christian tracts have been around for many many years. Countless souls have been lead to Christ by reading tracts. Every major ministry uses tracts to lead people to Jesus.Preaching the Word of God through churches, television, radio and every form of media can help people to build their faith "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." [Romans 10:17] The powerful witness of the saved Christian is probably the greatest way that the Holy Spirit is able to lead people to Christ. "He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself;...And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in the Son." [1John 5:10-11]. The Lord has used the humble Christian tract, freely given, as a simple way the Word of God can be shared. Here are some ways for you to use your Seeds Christian tracts. First pray! Ask the Lord to anoint your tracts, pray that souls will be saved, by Him, through your effective witnessing. Carry some tracts with you wherever you go! You never know when God will lead someone to you. Everyone has a hunger for salvation deep inside their spirit. when they see the Christian, the unsaved person knows that you have something they don't. Talk to people about Jesus! "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature." [Mark 16:15] Tell people what Jesus has done for you! (and that He can do the same for them!) Leave them a tract...perhaps later, when they are alone, they will read it, and the Holy Spirit will lead them to say the sinners' prayer. Another idea, which is very easy for anyone to do, is to leave tracts anonymously, wherever you go. At the supermarket, the mall, the bank. Ask the Lord and He will lead you to the spot that He wants you to place the tract. Someone will find it... and Jesus will do the rest! We want you to know something (and the Lord has told us this in a powerful way-!)....Many will thank you in Heaven!!


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