The Amazing Mini-Tract Page!

This is Side "B"

This is Side "A"

The Lord has lead us to put together six of our very best salvation tracts on one piece of paper! These little tracts may look small, but they are powerful witnessing tools that no Christian should be without. Now, anyone with a home computer and a printer can become a Christian tract publisher! You can print hundreds or thousands of these "mini-tracts" for less than a penny a piece! It's easy--anyone can do it--and here's how...

  • Click on the appropriate link below (click, hold the mouse button and choose the option that says "download to disk" or "save to disk") store the files to the folder or area you usually save downloads.
  • Un-Zip or Un-Stuff the files--(your computer should know how to do this automatically when you double click on the file).
  • Open the appropriate application--(MSWorks-Word-Wordperfect, or Clarisworks)--choose "open" under the file menu, find the file and choose "open".
  • Set your page set-up to print long-ways (landscape) on a letter-size piece of paper and print side "A" on one side and side "B" on the opposite side of the same piece of paper. (tip: we think these tracts look great printed on colored paper--try it!)
  • Cut along the lines to separate the tracts and fold them so the front cover (right panel of side "A") is facing front.
  • Go out and share the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord!


    click here for Microsoft Works

    click here for Word

    click here for Wordperfect for Windows

    Macintosh (Stuff-It)

    click here for Clarisworks

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