"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"
(Matthew 6:33)
Jesus said that we should first seek God's kingdom and His
righteousness. Our first priority ought to be to seek God's
authority, His will, His plan, and His righteousness, which
literally means His righteous acts of ministry. So our first
objective ought to be to find God's plan, and how we can serve Him
directly. I am sure that many believers do this or at least
try to. If we studied what Jesus taught about the kingdom of God
(which is extensive) it is clear that His will can be elusive and we
can make mistakes. But the larger question we seek to ask in these
studies is are we collectively following a practice that seeks God's
kingdom first?
Have you, as a believer, ever worked together with other believers
in spreading the Gospel? Have you met with others in a way in which
everyone could pray or speak or teach? Have you met with others in
an atmosphere of equity and encouragement for all to minister? Have
you ever attended a Gospel witnessing meeting? In our assembling, do
we truly seek God's kingdom and follow Jesus' example of praying for
the sick, and the oppressed, helping the poor and needy, caring for
the homeless?
The studies below are intended to simply look at some of our
traditions and ask the question: are we truly seeking God's kingdom
together as brothers and sisters in the Lord?
The Five Folds of Jesus' Ministry......In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus
outlined His ministry. He spread a Gospel of salvation, healing,
deliverance for those in need and He released others to apostolic
liberty--the freedom to minister and serve God......click here to
About History......Between us today and the times of the Bible there
are hundreds of years of Christian history. Hundreds of years of
people who have decided how Christians will practice their faith.
Did those folks make the right decisions for us today?......click here to
download.......watch a video of this study.....
Practice, Practice, Practice........How do you practice your faith?
Are you truly following the new testament and the example that Jesus
set?......click here to
Apostles vs Pastors........Here it is the battle of the century! Who
wins?! Does the Bible tell us more about aposltes or pastors, and
what does this mean for us?......click here to
Buzzwords on Authority......."Obey, submit, follow the
rule"....these are words taken out of the Bible to reenforce human
authority among believers. Have you ever studied them, or have they
just been force fed to you?......click here to
What is Tithe?.....10% of what, to whom for what purpose? What does
the Bible say about tithe? This simple study explains the myth of
tithe that tradition has given us.......click here to download.....................view
this study as a video below....
What We Could Be Like.....When we are together in the Lord we could
be very powerful for Him and His kingdom. Or we could follow a
ritual and human authority. The choice is ours.......click here to
A Trip In A Time Machine......This article teaches some points about
church history that relate to Christian practice.......click here to download.........
What's Wrong With Home Church?.....Home church is a step in a right
direction toward new testament practice. But home church can fall to
many of the same mistakes found in traditional church!......click here to
About Tongues......Controversy sometimes surrounds the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Read this simple study, it might shed some light on
what the Bible is really talking about in this area.......click here to
A Quick Tour of the Church......Do we understand that traditional
church practice is based on the old testament sacrificial laws...the
"stuff" that Israel had to do in order to have their sin
here to download.........
The Christian Quiz.....This study, in the form of a simple quiz,
will lead people to a greater understanding of Christian
here to download...............view this study as a video
Quiz on Authority..........This short quiz debunks many of the myths
tradition has handed to us about human authority in
Christianity.......click here to
download.........view this study as a video below....
Quiz on Giving......Christians should give. But does tradition lead
us to give to ourselves?......click here to
download......view the video teaching below......
Quiz on Ministry......Who has ministry gifts? According to the Bible
what percentage of believers have ministry gifts?......click here to
download.........view the video teaching below.....
Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven................This is an extensive
Bible study on all the verses of scripture that refer to the Kingdom
of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. We would ask you to take the time
to do your own study on this subject. This open Bible study could be
a great starting point for you as it simply presents this subject
with simple commentary as a jumping off point for your own further
study. But please do MORE thatn just study the kingdom--SEEK
IT!.....click here to